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Presentera din karaktär

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Inlägg  Jocke tis aug 18, 2015 10:14 pm

Vi har en annan tråd för mer speltekniska utläggningar. Här kan man presentera sin karaktär mer RP-messigt. Jag har inte tid att göra det just nu, men gör det nog under morgondagen.

Antal inlägg : 2541
Registreringsdatum : 11-07-20

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Inlägg  Chrille ons aug 19, 2015 2:58 pm

Jake was raised as an only child by his rich merchant parents. Their fortune came from his father's imports of exotic goods, mainly perfumes. Jake was a lazy child and whenever he was asked to do something, perform a task och chore, he'd get one of the servants to do it instead tho he always claimed credit for it. Over time he became very skilled at lying and deceiving. In school he always managed to get his classmates to "help" him with his homework and always seemed to have a valid reason whenever he couldn't answer a question. After discovering he had an aptitude for magic he was, after his father bribed the right people, accepted into the Acadamae. He did not last there for very long tho as bluffing his way through this school proved more difficult than in preivious schools. He was kicked out after less than a year. His dissapointed father could now only try to teach his son the way of the merchant. Since Jake had no intrerest in honest work however this proved a difficult task. Even tho he did not show it in school, Jake had found an interest in the arcane and continued studying on his own, learning what he could from the books he had left from the Acadamae.
When Jake was 16 his mother was murdered in their own home, her head smashed with his father's cane. His father was arrested on suspicion of murder. But Jake knew that his father loved his wife to much to ever lay a finger on her and took it upon himself to reveal the truth. After some investigation he found the "witness" and questioned him about the crime. The witness, a middle-age fisherman, soon told Jake the truth that it was a man named Gaedren Lamm, or one of his thugs, who had killed Jake's mother and framed his father for it. After some convincing the fisherman promised he would tell the truth. He never got the chance tho. The following morning his body was found floating in the docks. With no witness Jake's father was released and the case was soon dissmissed, tho he was never really cleared of suspicion. Having lost his wife in such a horrible way he fell into a deep depression. He stoped working and instead took up drinking and gambling. The family wealth quickly drained away. 2 years after Jake's mother's death his father also died leaving great debts. Jake was forced to sell all he had inherited. He managed to pay of all his father's debts but was left with only a tiny fraction of his familys former wealth allong with the clothes on his back and a couple of bottles of perfume that he had managed to save from his father's business. He was now alone, homeless and had no particular skills that could earn him an income.
But he will have his revenge. He will kill the man who destroyed his family and their fortune. He will kill this Gaedren Lamm. But he cannot do this alone. A man like Gaedren must have many enemies. Finding some who are willing to help him kill this thug should not prove to difficult.

Jake is a tall thin young man. He has black straight shoulder length hair, piercing blue eyes and an alabaster white smile. He is charming and very attractive. He dresses himself in fashionable clothes and always smells of fine exotic perfumes.

Antal inlägg : 583
Registreringsdatum : 12-03-10
Ålder : 41

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Inlägg  Reidar ons aug 19, 2015 6:44 pm

Bra bakgrund!


Antal inlägg : 102
Registreringsdatum : 15-08-03
Ålder : 51
Ort : Upplands Väsby

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Inlägg  Oskar tor aug 20, 2015 2:30 pm

Ashanti background:

Ashanti (Ash for short) was born into the Sun tribe of the rocky dessert. Living in the rocky desert is hard but Ash grew up strong learning the ways of his tribe. As a kid he often went out into the desert with his sling, practicing flinging small rocks at scorpions and also moving heavy rocks so that they could later be used for shelter against the desert storms. The tribe elders noticed the strength in the boy and decided that he would be school in the ways of the “Efari” (Holy warrior). Ash spent his early years with hard physical training and learning the way of the soldier as well as being taught how to read and write. Ash was also taught the way of the Dawnflower (Sarenrae) the patron of his tribe. The tribe priest taught him the basics in how to channel the energy of their god to do deeds for the tribe.

Once every five years the tribe sends a caravan down to the coast to one of the larger towns. The caravan goes there to trade for things the tribe can’t manufacture themselves. A handful of people get to go with the caravans to see the cities and to protect them from bandits and robbers. At the age of 15 Ash was allowed to follow his first caravan down to the coast and its end goal, the big city of Korvosa. Amongst other people Ash´s niece Rama would also be part of the caravan. Being a young girl of only 8 Ash kept an extra eye out for her on the trip. The caravan made the long journey to the city of Korvosa. Ash was amazed by the city how big it was and it was so many people around. Ash could just marvel at the buildings much larger than he had ever seen before. As it would happen one busy day at the market square when the tribe was haggling the price on some goods, Rama was gone. All of the tribesmen went looking for Rama and they searched for two full months without finding her. It’s hard getting information as an outsider in the city. Eventually they gave up the search and packed up their things to go back home without Rama. Ash being the young man he is volunteered to stay in the city to keep looking for Rama. That was four years ago……

In order to get more clues Ash adopted the way of the city, changed his clothes to more “normal” city dweller rather than desert tribe. The first time in the city he spent all his time looking for Rama. Soon realizing he can’t live on determination alone he started to look for work. He found work as an apprentice to a blacksmith working on Volshyenek Street. The blacksmith, a large burly man with a thick red beard, noticed Ash strength when Ash was doing day jobs for a nearby merchant. Ash being used to the heat in the desert have no issues working in the hot environment and operating the heavy bellows as the blacksmith kept pounding the metal into usable items. Ash have been offered a place to sleep in a back corner of the blacksmith s workplace. When he isn’t working he is wandering the streets looking for Rama still…… He still hopes to find her one day and if it wasn’t for his determination and his faith in the Dawnflower he would have given up a long time ago.

Antal inlägg : 1237
Registreringsdatum : 14-08-07
Ort : Vallentuna

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Inlägg  Reidar tor aug 20, 2015 4:41 pm

Två ypperliga karaktärsbakgrunder som väl ska fungera i kampanjen, jag kommer återkomma med lite småsaker närmaste dagarna; kontakter och bostadsförhållanden etc.


Antal inlägg : 102
Registreringsdatum : 15-08-03
Ålder : 51
Ort : Upplands Väsby

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Inlägg  DanielBerg tor aug 20, 2015 5:54 pm

Heavy knocks on the Temple doors, a priest opening the doors as the cold rain poured and wrecked the night. Outside the door, a rugged basket with the distinct sound of a childs cry. The priest opened the blankets and a green coloured child was beneath. The priest thought "Another abandoned child" but on closer examination, a all most glowing birthmark of Pharasma on the orc-looking childs left cheek...

In his early life Ozric Phaal was often bullied every time he left the Gray. But soon towering over his fellow children, they were playthings compared to him, as he grew. Though his life as an Half-Orc was never easy, himself believing that the Goddess Pharasma protected him, and that many times had his obvious birthmark saved him from a beating. During his sparetime he often read deeper into the mystery of the Gods, of course focusing on The Lady of the Grave. But his journeys outside the Temple soon ended.

One day he had been looking through the ruined houses, finding an religious symbol of Pharasma, the Goddess truely smiled upon him. But as with all good things, someone wanted it instead, Gaedren. Giving Ozric a proper beating which all most ended his life. Ozric fled to the Temple and stayed there during the most of his childhood and adulthood, until recently.

Name: Ozric Phaal
Age: 29
Physical traits:Close to Two meters in height, muscular build, shaven head. One half of his face is painted white, the other black, but his birthmark is always clear, all most white in appearance.

Psychological:Honed to see things as life or death and considers himself wise beyond his age. Never hasty on decisions, but does not mind to speak his mind, specially on the subject of the Undead.. He is very quick on noticing falsehoods and lies.

Social: He is trustworthy but not naive, people need to prove themselves to get closer.

((Nått sånt där))

Antal inlägg : 494
Registreringsdatum : 12-10-02

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Inlägg  Reidar tor aug 20, 2015 6:44 pm

En variant på Campaign traiten som fungerar den också.


Antal inlägg : 102
Registreringsdatum : 15-08-03
Ålder : 51
Ort : Upplands Väsby

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Inlägg  DanielBerg tor aug 20, 2015 9:13 pm

Reidar skrev:Bra!
En variant på Campaign traiten som fungerar den också.
Hade tänkt ut "droped infront of temple" före traits =D

Antal inlägg : 494
Registreringsdatum : 12-10-02

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Inlägg  Marcus mån aug 24, 2015 9:03 am

This content my include language/scenes that some people find offensive. Reader discression is adviced.

Sen så trotsar jag och skriver på svenska Razz

Med ett stön av vällust lade han sig i det mjuka höet. Avklarad tänkte han. Han hade förvisso inte behövt anstränga sig nämnvärt denna gång då han nu hade börjat bygga upp ett rykte kring sin persona. Dock så brukade även det innebära att det snart var dags att dra vidare. När det går för enkelt så är det helt enkelt inte roligt längre. Han låg kvar och lyssnade till flämtningarna bredvid sig och funderade på vad som skulle komma härnäst. Kanske var det på tiden att han vände hem och besökte familjen. Fadern behövde säkert hjälp och även om brodern var nog så kapabel att arbeta var han inte ledarmaterial. Det behövs någon med både styrka och intelligens för det och då var han helt klart den som fadern skulle föredra. Å andra sidan var det tråkigt arbete hos fadern. Han hade läshuvud och det var därför som han fick studera. Han förstod nog att fadern önskade att han efter studierna skulle komma hem och ta över verksamheten men varför fick inte hans önskan råda? Drömmen om att med svärdet i hand göra sig ett namn som människor skulle både respektera och frukta. Inte räkna guld på något dammigt kontor! Han vände sig till höger och tittade på den nu sovande nakna flickan och kände sig lite besviken över att hon inte orkade en omgång till, samtidigt lades en hand på hans bara rygg och påkallade hans uppmärksamhet. Han vände sig om och tittade in i ett par längtande ögon.  – Du har väl inte glömt bort mig redan? sade den skäggige unge mannen på hans andra sida. Han vände sig om och viskade, - Vi har bara börjat. Shocked

Två dagar senare knackar ett bud på hans dörr med ett brev hemifrån.

Käre son.
Olycka över vårt hus. Din kära syster kidnappad av uslingar. Din bror har följt efter för att låta vedergällningens hammare slå sin mörka klang över deras huvud. Dock behöver han din hjälp. De senaste rapporterna som han givit mig tyder på att han följer vägen mot Kurvosa. Om så är fallet vet vi båda två vem som är ansvarig för detta nidingsdåd. Jag ber dig därför käre son, stå din broder bi och låt inte denna oförätt gå ostraffad.

Din fader
Rugen Westley

Som äldsta son till en köpman har Robert Westley fått möjlighet att skaffa sig en utbildning för att en dag ta över och expandera verksamheten. Själv önskar han dock inget hellre än att bli en svärdsmästare och drömmer sig ofta långt bort från faderns tråkiga monetära affärer. Med sina 191 cm är han en ganska lång yngling vars ”boyish looks” fortfarande ligger över hans ansikte och sätt. Han är ganska intelligent och charmig men har en tendens att översimplifiera situationer, förhoppningsvis kommer visdomen med åldern.  Han klär sig gärna i scarf och hatt vilket han tycker ger en bra karaktär till hans utseende. Sedan har han också en ovana att komplicera sitt språk så att det blir ganska frustrerande att lyssna på. Detta gör han inte för att vara elak utan han är övertygad om att ska man komma upp sig här i världen behöver man kunna tala så att folk till sist tröttnar på en och låter ens vilja gå igenom bara för att de inte orkar lyssna mer.

Något såhär hade jag tänkt mig, tips eller idéer tas gärna emot. Som ni märker tänker jag att han svingar på alla bollar Wink

Antal inlägg : 676
Registreringsdatum : 13-08-23

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Inlägg  Reidar mån aug 24, 2015 4:09 pm

Fungerar fint, det kommer ett PM från mig i kväll.


Antal inlägg : 102
Registreringsdatum : 15-08-03
Ålder : 51
Ort : Upplands Väsby

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Inlägg  Jocke tis aug 25, 2015 9:00 am

Nadia "Nails" Vashinko is a woman. Think about those tails of beautiful young warrior women, lithe and acrobatic, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in tight leather outfits. Nails is nothing like them. Now think of the big bosomed Nordic fertility goddesses clad in skimpy armor designed to reveal rather than to protect. Nails is nothing like that either. Nails is a scarred veteran of many street brawls and skirmishes with bandits. She is 45 years old with black hair that is more than a little gray around the temples. Her tanned skin has many scars, with a prominent mark from an arrowhead below her right eye. She isn't precisely ugly, but it was a long time since (if ever) some one called her handsome. She has lived a hard life and it shows.

Back in her youth she was in to some bad business (that you do not know about [men Reidar vet, eftersom han kom med inspirationen Smile]) in the city. She had to leave and stay hidden for many years. She traveled with merchant trains as a groom for a while, and during an ambush on the caravan she had to fight for her life. It turned out that she was pretty good at that. Despite being wounded, she helped run the bandits off and the surviving guardsmen jokingly said that she was "tough as nails" and that she should work as a guard rather than as a groom. To their great surprise, she embraced the nickname "Nails" and took employment as a guard with the same merchant (guards are payed more than grooms you know...). He could not refuse her since she had fought valiantly to defend his goods already, and Nails spent several years with the caravan. She has worked for other caravans, a short stint as a town watchman in a town to the north, though she had to quit due to some misunderstandings... she was then forced to flee the town and spent a time as a pit fighter of mediocre success in one of the small coastal towns. Then it was back to guarding caravans and for the last several years she is back in Korvosa working as a watchman in a warehouse.

During all this time though, Nails has been very careful not to distinguish herself in any way. There is still that shadow from the past hanging over her, and she does not want to be noticed. She has lived from day to day for over thirty years not without really daring to get on with her life. Perhaps it is time to get that business sorted?

Antal inlägg : 2541
Registreringsdatum : 11-07-20

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Inlägg  Micke tor aug 27, 2015 4:08 pm

Namn: Clayton "Clay" Westley, yngre bror till Robert Westley (Marcus)

Clay är en lojal och mycket arbetsam man som alltid försöker göra rätt för sig och att inte stöta sig med andra. Inte alltid så lätt i yngre år då hans bror alltid drog in honom i alla olika sorters bekymmer som Clay alltid lyckades bli syndabock för. Självklart har Robert varit en mycket bra storebror som alltid hjälpt Clay när andra barn/ungdomar mobbade och slog honom som liten för dessa bekymmer. Nu under senare tid har saker och ting förändrats, Robert ställer självfallet fortfarande till med besvär för många med sin levnadsstil, men denna gång är det oftast Clay som får hjälpa sin äldre bror ur knipan (oftast med hjälp av en stor påk!). Samtidigt som han ser upp till sin bror är han lite avundsjuk på hans äldre bror, vad han har åstadkommit med sitt liv jämfört med sig själv.

Nu var det ett tag sen Clay såg sin äldre bror då Robert utbildar sig i den stora staden medan Clay for "slava" hemma i byn åt sin far. Men, det är i alla fall vägen till ett ärligt liv utan bekymmer och besvär...

Antal inlägg : 971
Registreringsdatum : 12-03-05
Ort : Upplands Väsby

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